Langballe 2, DK – 8700

Horsens, Denmark

CIP Automatic Static System

CIP Automatic Static System

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CIP Automatic Static System

Hygiene is such a vital factor during food processing that it should be considered as one of the production process steps. Incorrect cleaning in the food industry can lead to the loss of an entire day’s production and directly affect the end product’s quality. This is why, when thinking about medium and large facilities that require a fully automatic cleaning process, INOXPA designed a range of static frame-mounted CIP systems to help to clean plants, eliminate impurities, and reduce bacteria levels.
There is a version that cleans one line and another that simultaneously cleans two lines.

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CIP Automatic Static System

Design og karakteristika

- There are 3 parts to this CIP equipment range:
· A base frame with different components
· Tanks for water and chemical products
· Pipes and connections between the tanks and the base frame
- Customers can opt to purchase tanks or have them supplied. INOXPA will supply the drawings should a customer purchase the tanks.
- Customers can fit the pipes and connections between the tanks and the base frame or receive pre-connected equipment. INOXPA will supply the pipe and connection schemes should a customer carry out the work.
- 4 different models (10, 15, 20, and 25 m³/h).
- The possibility of 1 or 2 lines for each model.
- The base frame comprises the following elements:
· HCP pump(s)
· Tubular exchanger(s)
· Single seat multiway valves with a C-TOP+ control unit
· Steam control valve(s)
· Return filter(s)
· Temperature probe(s) at the pump outlet
· Electromagnetic flow meter(s)
· Conductivity meter(s) in the return line/s
· Flow detector(s) in the return line/s
· Stainless steel electric panel with Siemens PLC (S/7), a 9”/12” touchscreen, and
variable-frequency drive(s) for pump(s)


Tanks for chemical product AISI 316L
Tanks for water AISI 304
Tank insulation Mineral wool
Piping and components in contact with the product AISI 316
Other parts AISI 304
Gaskets in contact with the product EPDM


Pressure gauge(s) in the impulsion line(s).
Disinfection cycle, through in-line product dosing.
Recirculation in the product tank using the Estampinox pump and conductivity control.
CIP return pump(s).
Allen-Bradley Compact Logix PLC and Rockwell display.
Communication systems between the CIP and other plant panels.
Operating parameters record.


Materialer and Muligheder

Tanks for chemical product AISI 316L
Tanks for water AISI 304
Tank insulation Mineral wool
Piping and components in contact with the product AISI 316
Other parts AISI 304
Gaskets in contact with the product EPDM

Pressure gauge(s) in the impulsion line(s).
Disinfection cycle, through in-line product dosing.
Recirculation in the product tank using the Estampinox pump and conductivity control.
CIP return pump(s).
Allen-Bradley Compact Logix PLC and Rockwell display.
Communication systems between the CIP and other plant panels.
Operating parameters record.

Dokumentnummer. FT.CIP.3_ES
Titel Equipo CIP Automático Fijo CIP
Filtype .pdf
Resumé INOXPA ha diseñado una gama de equipos CIP fijos para facilitar la limpieza, eliminar las impurezas y reducir la cantidad de bacterias
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Dokumentnummer. FT.CIP.3_EN
Titel Automatic Static CIP System
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Resumé INOXPA designed a range of static frame-mounted CIP systems to help to clean plants, eliminate impurities, and reduce bacteria levels.
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Dokumentnummer. FT.CIP.3_FR
Titel Équipement NEP Automatique Fixe
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Resumé INOXPA a conçu une gamme d’équipements NEP fixes visant à faciliter le nettoyage de ces usines, à éliminer les impuretés et à réduire la quantité de bactéries
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Dokumentnummer. FT.CIP.3_IT
Titel Sistema CIP Automatico Fisso
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Resumé INOXPA ha progettato una serie di sistemi CIP fissi per facilitare la pulizia, eliminare le impurità e ridurre la quantità di batteri
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Dokumentnummer. FT.CIP.3_PT.pdf
Titel Equipamento CIP Automático Fixo
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Resumé A higiene é um fator tão importante nos processos alimentares que deve ser considerada como um passo independente no processo de produção
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Dokumentnummer. FT.CIP.3_RU
Titel Автоматическая Стационарная Станция CIP-мойки
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Resumé INOXPA разработала стационарные станции CIP для упрощения мойки этих установок, удаления загрязнений и сокращения количества бактерий
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