Langballe 2, DK – 8700

Horsens, Denmark

Udstyr til Tømning af Bigbags med Mikser

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Udstyr til Tømning af Bigbags med Mikser

The table blender system for solids feeding enables the addition of solids in a circulating liquid medium, from the solid product storage phase.

The Big Bag unloading stations enables the ergonomic handling and dosing of solid food products with similar grain sizes, such as sugar, powdered milk and salt, stored in BigBags of approximately one tonne in weight.

This solids feeding system + table blender was developed for use in the dairy sector in particular, or in industries such as beverage production, where sugar solutions are required to produce syrups.

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Udstyr til Tømning af Bigbags med Mikser


The equipment is based on a structure that supports the weight of the Big Bag vertically, with a hopper for the raw material contained in the bag.

There is a lifting and transfer system based on a block and tackle for handling the Big Bag.

Various components are included to both facilitate the emptying of the hopper and transport the raw material to the table blender. These include rotary valves, butterfly valves, endless screws, vibrators and extractors, which are selected based on the product and use.

The venturi and pump aspiration creates negative pressure at the base of the hopper. When the hopper valve opens, the solids are drawn and easily dissolve as they pass through the pump casing.

It is recommended to use batch operations until all the solids are added and to continue recirculating for a while once all the solids have been added to ensure the most uniform solution possible.

In-line operations can also be used for some cases, depending on the solid added and the quality of the solution required.

Design og karakteristika

Hoist: 2000 kg

Structure: 1650 x 1350 x 5235 mm (width x depth x height) with crosspieces intersected with the lateral pieces and the rear part of the structure.

Structure profiles based on calculations. Profiles 120 x 120 x 4 and 100 x 100 x 3 inox 304, girder made from galvanised cast iron.

Hopper material 304 and 316.

Anti-caking system and safety guards: protection elements made from aluminium.

Solenoid valve for the seal cooling circuit.

Frequency inverter for the centrifugal pump.

Double mechanical seal.

Complete mixing with product recirculation using a tank.

Automatic butterfly valve for hopper.

In-line mixer for each model to break up possible lumps in the end product when required.

Centrifugal pump if required.

Stainless steel electric panel with control system.


Parts in contact with the product AISI 316

Other stainles steel parts AISI 304

Guards Aluminium

Seals in contact with the product TR08 FDA cellular silicone / EPDM


Load cells for transportation by deduction.

ºBrix meter.

MVE100 electric vibrator for the blender hopper.

A regulating diaphragm valve for the venturi.



The equipment is based on a structure that supports the weight of the Big Bag vertically, with a hopper for the raw material contained in the bag.

There is a lifting and transfer system based on a block and tackle for handling the Big Bag.

Various components are included to both facilitate the emptying of the hopper and transport the raw material to the table blender. These include rotary valves, butterfly valves, endless screws, vibrators and extractors, which are selected based on the product and use.

The venturi and pump aspiration creates negative pressure at the base of the hopper. When the hopper valve opens, the solids are drawn and easily dissolve as they pass through the pump casing.

It is recommended to use batch operations until all the solids are added and to continue recirculating for a while once all the solids have been added to ensure the most uniform solution possible.

In-line operations can also be used for some cases, depending on the solid added and the quality of the solution required.

Materialer and Muligheder

Parts in contact with the product AISI 316

Other stainles steel parts AISI 304

Guards Aluminium

Seals in contact with the product TR08 FDA cellular silicone / EPDM

Load cells for transportation by deduction.

ºBrix meter.

MVE100 electric vibrator for the blender hopper.

A regulating diaphragm valve for the venturi.

Dokumentnummer. FTsolBF-BE_ES
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Dokumentnummer. FTsolBF-BE_IT
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