Langballe 2, DK – 8700

Horsens, Denmark

NDL Diaphragm Valve

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NDL Diaphragm Valve

The NDL (Non Dead Leg T Valve) diaphragm valves, manually or pneumatically operated, are specially designed for use on aseptic processes in the pharmaceutical industry. The valves are widely used at points of use in the loops of purified water (PW) or water for injections (WFI).


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NDL Diaphragm Valve


The diaphragm provides the body seal as well as the seat seal. There are no paths to the outside environment and, as such, the valve is suitable for aseptic processes. When the valve is being closed, a pressure pad which supports the diaphragm moves towards the sealing face on the body. As the pressure plate moves, the diaphragm flexes and is forced down onto the seat area in the centre of the body, thus, closing off the flow path through the body.
The valve can be actuated either manually or pneumatically and controlled by control units and solenoid valves.
A standard diaphragm valve is used to shut the flow of a line, an NDL type valve shuts only one outlet of the main line.

Design og karakteristika

Comparing with a traditional diaphragm valve, the dead leg of an NDL valve is reduced to a minimum due to the design of the valve, and the pharmaceutical normatives like ASME BPE prioritise this condition.

Broad flexible range based upon a modular design concept with key components being common with other valves.
Autoclavable stainless steel bonnets and handles.
Handle with stroke limiter.
Hygienic design of the handles.
The valve body is machined out of a stainless steel block.
Completely drainable design.
Traceability of components.


Parts in contact with the product Stainless steel AISI 316L (1.4404)
Other stainless steel parts Stainless steel AISI 304 (1.4301)
Plastic parts PP + 30 GF
Diaphragm EPDM (according to FDA 177.2600 and USP Class VI)

Surface finish:
Internal Ra ≤ 0,5 μm
External Bright polish


Diaphragm: FPM, VMQ (according to FDA 177.2600 and USP class VI) and PTFE / EPDM separate (according to FDA 177.2600).
Stainless steel bonnet with plastic or stainless steel handle.
Pneumatic actuator with stroke limiter.
Pneumatic actuator with external switch.
Control box with switches and solenoid valves.
Materials and roughness certificates.



The diaphragm provides the body seal as well as the seat seal. There are no paths to the outside environment and, as such, the valve is suitable for aseptic processes. When the valve is being closed, a pressure pad which supports the diaphragm moves towards the sealing face on the body. As the pressure plate moves, the diaphragm flexes and is forced down onto the seat area in the centre of the body, thus, closing off the flow path through the body.
The valve can be actuated either manually or pneumatically and controlled by control units and solenoid valves.
A standard diaphragm valve is used to shut the flow of a line, an NDL type valve shuts only one outlet of the main line.

Materialer and Muligheder

Parts in contact with the product Stainless steel AISI 316L (1.4404)
Other stainless steel parts Stainless steel AISI 304 (1.4301)
Plastic parts PP + 30 GF
Diaphragm EPDM (according to FDA 177.2600 and USP Class VI)

Surface finish:
Internal Ra ≤ 0,5 μm
External Bright polish

Diaphragm: FPM, VMQ (according to FDA 177.2600 and USP class VI) and PTFE / EPDM separate (according to FDA 177.2600).
Stainless steel bonnet with plastic or stainless steel handle.
Pneumatic actuator with stroke limiter.
Pneumatic actuator with external switch.
Control box with switches and solenoid valves.
Materials and roughness certificates.

Dokumentnummer. FTphNDL.3_ES
Titel Válvula de Diafragma NDL
Filtype .pdf
Resumé Las válvulas de diafragma NDL (Non Dead Leg T Valve) de accionamiento manual o neumático, están especialmente diseñadas para usos en procesos asépticos en la industria farmacéutica.
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Dokumentnummer. FTphNDL.3_EN
Titel Diaphragm Valve NDL
Filtype .pdf
Resumé The NDL (Non Dead Leg T Valve) diaphragm valves, manually or pneumatically operated, are specially designed for use on aseptic processes in the pharmaceutical industry.
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Dokumentnummer. FTphNDL.3_IT
Titel Valvola a Membrana NDL
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Resumé Le valvole a membrana NDL (Non Dead Leg T Valve) ad azionamento manuale o pneumatico, sono specialmente progettate per usi nei processi asettici nell’industria farmaceutica.
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Dokumentnummer. FTphNDL.3_DE
Titel Membranventil NDL
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Resumé Die Membranventile NDL (Non Dead Leg T Valve), manuell oder pneumatisch betätigt, sind speziell für den Einsatz in aseptischen Prozessen in der Pharmaindustrie konzipiert
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Dokumentnummer. FTphNDL.3_RU
Titel Мембранный Клапан NDL
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Resumé Мембранные клапаны NDL (Non Dead Leg T Valve), с ручным или пневматическим приводом, были специально спроектированы для асептических процессов фармацевтической промышленности.
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Dokumentnummer. 10.300.30.02ES
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Dokumentnummer. 10.300.30.02EN
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Dokumentnummer. 10.300.30.02FR
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Dokumentnummer. 10.300.30.02RU
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