Langballe 2, DK – 8700

Horsens, Denmark


The INOXPA pilot plant, a facility that’s strategic for the Group’s development

The renovated building located within the INOXPA Group headquarters in Banyoles, was officially opened in 2016 and is now a key part of the Company’s R&D development strategy. The facility allows customers to test equipment and solutions with actual production materials. We understand the importance of exceeding future requirements and developing product prototypes for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. 

Se også  videoer af de tests, der er udført i pilotanlægget, på vores YouTube kanal

New pilot plant

INOXPA began remodelling an industrial unit at their head office in Banyoles in 2015 in order to set up what would become their new pilot plant. Inaugurated in 2016, the first testing in this functional space began that same year. 

Specifically, the pilot plant responded to INOXPA’s internal and external needs, forming a key facility within the group’s development strategy. On the one hand, it enables our customers to understand equipment features and applications, offering functional tests using actual products prior to purchase and installation. On the other hand, it assists our R&D team in the development and promotion of pioneering solutions, adapted to the specific needs of a market in constant flux.

Offering comprehensive services

The pilot plant re-creates production facilities and conditions in which small production runs are completed, then assessed in our laboratory to confirm results.

We offer similar conditions to those found in pharmaceutical and food manufacturing facilities, catering for a vast range of required tests utilizing our on-site facilities: Continuous CIP, steam generation, heated and chilled water, compressed air and vacuum systems.

Our facility so far has aided our customers in confirming the suitability of INOXPA products in the production of sauces, biscuit fillings, nutrition supplements, as well as pharmaceutical and veterinary creams. In many cases the product has been improved in areas such as homogenisation, emulsion and texture.

Our Research and Development Team find the pilot plant invaluable, the standard tests and trials contribute towards the development of new products and unique solutions: stabiliser dispersion, milk concentration, and syrup and mayonnaise preparation.

The pilot plant showroom also displays our range of component products including valves, filters, pumps, mixers and agitators from our tank and vessel equipment. Also on show are the latest prototypes developed by INOXPA, demonstrating our ability as the complete hygienic equipment manufacturer.

Offering comprehensive services

Demonstration sessions for work groups

INOXPA encourage our customers to attend demonstration sessions based around the needs of the work group. Interactive presentations and test are conducted with individual pieces of equipment, demonstrating their suitability for producing specific products according to customer requirements within the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors. This allows our customers to gain experience and confidence of INOXPA’s solutions within an open plan, comfortable, and fully refurbished facility.

To complete the demonstration, INOXPA presents the most notable success stories and offers a tour through the Group’s head office facilities.

A virtual visit to the pilot plant

It’s possible to visit INOXPA’s facilities virtually using Google Street View. In addition to learning about the company’s location, it’s possible to obtain direct access to the pilot plant. Providing a 360º tour of the plant.

Should you have interest in our Pilot Plant facility, please contact INOXPA beforehand. We welcome requests for tests and will analyse the type of test required, confirm the availability of the equipment and schedule a visit that fits the proposal. It’s never been so easy to improve the production process!


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